Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Beds

"Danny forking bed six" From SHF CSA

Day two of prepping beds and we're up to six. Today beet, spinach, arugula, kale, onion, and lettuce seed all went in. We're still waiting on some carrot and pea seed but that will go in as soon as it comes. Hand digging beds is a lot of work and it was still a bit wet today so the four beds, including seeding took us 10 hours. This is actually one of the biggest planting weeks of the year for us, as we're still trying to catch up a little from our late start.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ground Breaking

"the blank slate" From SHF CSA

Well, we dug the first two beds yesterday. Planted the first crops to go in the ground as well: potatoes, favas and chard. Almost as exciting, much of our seed order for the season came yesterday. It's kind of like having the entire farm stuffed into three big envelopes.

Sign ups are starting to roll in so thank you to those who have put your checks in the mail already, or hand delivered them. Because the farm is so small we're only working about one day per week so apologies if we don't get back to you right away. I'll confirm sign ups as soon as I process them (this is taking about a week right now to get to those).

More soon...

"the first two beds" From SHF CSA

Thursday, March 12, 2009

come visit us

Hi folks,
for now we're over at - check us out there