Monday, October 11, 2010

Summer Hangs On

It's turning out to be a fairly mild October and so a few of the summer crops are continuing to produce, although they also seem to be continuously on their last legs. We still have cucumbers, summer squash, and even basil, this week in the share. This is the last week of lettuce, but the start of fall turnips (see the previous post). Peppers are still slow to ripen, but we're tossing a few that will likely turn full color on your counters, or will be sweet even green (also see the previous post).

In other farm news, the deer made a raid some time over the weekend. The damage was minor, but they did manage to figure out that the lightweight fence we put up as a deterrent is penetrable. Ever the optimists, we repaired the damage to the fence today and hope that it was a fluke. We also covered a few of the more susceptible crops with floating row cover. If they've made it in again by Thursday we'll be putting out a lot more of the floating row cover, and probably draping some bird netting over beds as well.

We also managed to get four more beds seeded to a rye and vetch cover crop today. We'll be seeding as much of the mix as possible in the next few weeks, as well as planting some overwintering onions and the garlic.

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