Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shares get heavier

I definitely noticed a bit more weight in some of the bags today, either that or I'm getting a little wimpier as the season goes on. In the photo above there's the full array of possibility although some items are rotating through the different drop sites. Some folks will see a quarter melon this week and we hope to get them a quarter again next week. The Jimmy Nardello sweet peppers continue to slowly ripen and a few folks will get those today. We thinned the root parsley so there are small bunches in the share. Both the tops and roots are good for cooking and give good parsley flavor. The roots can get quite sweet when fried, my favorite way to eat them. In honor of our first returned survey which identified sweet lettuces and carrots as their favorites those are in the share today. We've also included a bit of parsley, the usual mix of tomatoes, squash, and/or cucumbers.

We're spending the afternoon weeding and doing a little planning for the fall. Unfortunately the deer have discovered our crops and are nibbling around the edges. We'll try to get some cover on the beds before they do too much damage. I'll see if I can get a little time one day soon to give a few more updates on how the season is going and to post some more photos.

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