Thursday, November 19, 2009

Double Share

I got home this evening and picked up my share on the porch and here's what was in my bag. I'm not sure how it all went down, as I left Danny solo today while I went to a workshop on growing barley. Looks like he managed to dig the parsnips, remaining Hakurei turnips and a few Golden turnips. The Golden turnips probably aren't quite as sweet as the Hakureis so I'd suggest cooking them. He also broke into the first of the leeks, more of the broccoli raab leaves and Riccia frissee. On top of that there's a generous bunch of parsley in there. What an exciting share. The parsley and raab probably should be used soon but everything else should keep well if you can't use it right away.

We'll be taking next week off and enjoying a big meal, lots of vegetables shared with friends, and a little pie, but we'll be back with more shares in December.

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