Monday, December 13, 2010

End of Fall

This is the final week of Fall shares. Pull out your vegetable peelers. Today we harvested all of the remaining carrots in the field (some of them will be held for Thursday) and there's a good bit of surface damage from carrot rust fly. Peel it off and they'll be just fine. In the old days (think, a few years ago) I wouldn't have given carrots like this out, but really they're fine to eat and I'd rather have someone eat the good parts than toss them in the compost pile immediately. We also harvested collards (Thursday will be getting kale, I think), and we thinned the winter turnips. The winter turnips are a variety called Gold Ball and they are more of a traditional turnip, better for cooking than the Hakurei, not so good for fresh eating. We also cut the greens off and put those in the shares. Usually we'd just leave the greens on but it was easier to fit them in the bags, and they two will actually keep better separated, so we separated them. Turnip greens can be steamed or sauteed and they have a little bite, kind of like mustard greens.

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