Monday, October 11, 2010

Sweet, Not Spicy

We're growing two peppers again this year, and again they are both sweet peppers, although they look like they could be spicy. Actually, The long thin one is Jimmy Nardello, an incredibly sweet italian frying pepper with very thin walls. We're also trying one of Wild Garden Seed's varieties, Stocky Red Roaster. It's green in the picture, but it will eventually turn red (as long as we continue to not have frosts). It also seems to be very sweet, even in its green form.

Because of the weather this year we're having a terrible time getting the peppers to color on the plants. Peppers, as long as they've started to turn color, will finish ripening on the counter in the relatively warmer kitchen. You can eat them green, or if you want color just leave them out a few days and they'll start to change.

Along with the peppers, we're also growing Hakurei turnips. If you haven't had these they are much sweeter than a normal turnip, and not as spicy, generally. They are great grated raw onto salad, but you can also cook them and the greens are tasty as well, a bit like mustard greens (or a more tender turnip green).

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